Behind the succesful steakhouse brand MASH is Copenhagen Concepts, who are also responsible for the French Le Sommelier and the Japanese/French Umami. In the beginning of March 2017 Copenhagen Concepts will expand the franchise with two restaurants, MASH and Café du Sommelier in the Andreas Quartier in Düsseldorf Altstadt.
Since Copenhagen Concepts opened MASH on Bredgade in the centre of Copenhagen in 2009, the restaurant imperium has expanded fast. MASH is now located in both Hamburg, London, in and around Copenhagen, in Aarhus, Odense and next spring Copenhagen Concepts will count a total of 14 restaurants with Café du Sommelier and MASH in Düsseldorf opening as well.
For Le Sommelier, which opened on Bredgade in 1997, Düsseldorf is the first step towards international expansion, and Copenhagen Concepts believe the classic French kitchen has great potential abroad.
– We have had an international expansion of Le Sommelier on the drawing board for a long time. It’s a concept which is viable many other places than Copenhagen, and with a café version of Le Sommelier side by side with a MASH we cover two different segments, say Jesper Boelskifte, CEO of Copenhagen Concepts. He continues:
- Andreas Quartier in Altstadt is the perfect location which has great potential for all day dining, because it’s so accesable for many different types of guests. This is why Le Sommelier in Düsseldorf becomes Café du Sommelier, because we offer breakfast, coffee and cake, a good glass of wine and of course the traditional French menu, Jesper Boelskifte adds.
It’s not only Café du Sommelier, which is a new version of the original restaurant. MASH in Düsseldorf will have a much more urban and modern interior, which newly opened MASH Odense also displays. The exclusive steakhouse will still capture the essence of MASH known from the original MASH on Bredgade in Copenhagen.
For Copenhagen Concepts the restaurants in Düsseldorf will be a stepping stone towards more restaurants in Germany, and there are already exciting new ideas on the drawing board.
About MASH, Le Sommelier og Copenhagen Concepts
- Copenhagen Concepts, the company behind MASH, Le Sommelier and Umami, have restaurants in Denmark, England and Germany, including two franchise venues in Copenhagen Airport.
- With the two new restaurants in Düsseldorf, Copenhagen Concepts are behind 14 restaurants in total.
- The three partners in Copenhagen Concepts are Jesper Boelskifte, CEO, Mikkel Glahn, Marketing Manager and Erik Gemal, Director.
- In Düsseldorf in the beginning of March 2017 the two new restaurants will open: MASH and Café du Sommelier on Mühlenstrasse in Andreas Quartier in Altstadt.
- The international ekspansion for MASH began in 2012, and the opening in Düsseldorf will be the 10th MASH.
- Le Sommelier opened in 1997 on Bredgade in Copenhagen with a well assorted wine list, an uncompromising French kitchen and a love of the professionalism.
- Café du Sommelier, as the restaurant in Düsseldorf will be named, is a café version of Le Sommelier, and will still follow the classic French style in both decor and cooking.