Copenhagen Concepts, who are behind the restaurants MASH, UMAMI and Le Sommelier, has chosen to focus on MASH and have therefor decided to close UMAMI and Le Sommelier per December 31st 2017. The leases will be taken over by SOVINO GRUPPEN, but what they will do with the spaces are unknown.
The reason for closing the two restaurant concepts is that Copenhagen Concepts wants to focus on streamlining their business and in the future focus on MASH in Denmark and abroad, where several restaurants have opened in recent years.
– We have been very happy running UMAMI and Le Sommelier, which have offered our guests unique experiences over the years. From the Japanese-French fusion kitchen in exclusive surroundings at UMAMI to the classic French kitchen at Le Sommelier. With the highest standards we have run UMAMI for 12 years and Le Sommelier for 20 years, and we’re very proud of what we’ve done and the experiences we’ve offered thousands of guests from across the globe, says Mikkel Glahn, Partner and Marketing Manager in Copenhagen Concepts.
Kill Your Darlings
While the competition in the restaurant business in Copenhagen has increased, it has been hard for the two restaurants to maintain the high number of guests needed to give guests the best restaurant experience.
– With Le Sommelier, Copenhagen got a restaurant 20 years ago, that for the first time took wine as seriously as the food. And with UMAMI we gave Copenhagen an international restaurant, which united gastronomi and design. Kill your darlings, as you say, and that is very much what is happening here, because we really care about UMAMI and Le Sommelier. It has been a hard decision to make, says Jesper Boelskifte, CEO and Partner in Copenhagen Concepts.
Closing down the two restaurants means that Copenhagen Concepts can now focus on maintaining and developing their flagship concept, MASH, where several new restaurants are in the cards.
– Now time has come to focus and use our strength on new adventures. With Café du Sommelier in Düsseldorf, Le Sommelier lives on in a new version, which is very approachable and ready for an international journey. And with the opening of MASH on Frederiksberg there are already new, big and exciting projects ahead of us, says Jesper Boelskifte.
SOVINO GRUPPEN, which will take over the locations, has yet to decide what they will be used for.
– We are very glad, that Torben Olsen and his team will take over the restaurants, but what they’re planning to do with them, we don’t know yet. So we can except the addresses to be vacant for a while, Mikkel Glahn finishes off saying.