Press release: The Steakhouse's latest culinary invention is the barbecue sausage to rule them all.
The team behind the steakhouse brand MASH are after 9 months of research and tests ready with their take on the world’s greatest barbecue sausage. True to the steakhouses DNA, MASH has chosen to use prime quality beef spiced with herbs found during Summer in Denmark.
The MASH sausage is made from lamb intestine and filled with prime Danish meet, rams and a bit of chili. The sausages can only be purchased at MASH restaurants, where they’ll get an honorary place in the famous meat lockers, where the exclusive cuts are exhibited to the guests.
- We wanted to make the ultimate barbecue sausage. Great flavour always starts with great produce, så we have chosen to focus on our own beef, which is of the highest quality, says Dan Christiansen, Food Director at MASH.
Juicy beef
A substantial part of the flavour and juicyness of the sausage comes from the fat. MASH has chosen to use the marbled muscles from the animal, which have a high natural percentage of fat.
- The animals tastiest muscles are those with the highest level of fat. This means a sausage, which is extremely juicy and tasty despite having a high percentage of beef of 82 percent, Dan Christiansen explains.
It is WP Kød, who have produced the 80 gram heavy sausage made entirely of beef, by request from MASH.
Grillguide to go
If you want to impress your guests at the next barbecue, you can purchase six MASH sausages for 145 kr. How you grill the sausauge is very important when dealing with high quality meats, so MASH has provided a grill guide to make sure you have a great barbecue experience.
The sausages are not served in the restaurant – they are only for take away. The sausage is not halal, but can be enjoyed by people, who do not eat pork, but don’t need a halal certificate.